


virtono has no honest merchants, no refunds during the money-back guarantee period
Hong Kong vps I purchased had a bad experience. I request a cancellation, the merchant cancels and removes the service, no refund. There is no refund service for work order consultation. Withdrawal rights Each service comes with a 14-day guarantee period during which, if the right of withdrawal is exercised, the amount paid will be fully refunded for no reason. We inform you that after the execution of the contract by VIRTONO, you will lose the right of withdrawal, except for VPS and web hosting services, you can also exercise the right of withdrawal within 14 days after the execution of the service. The withdrawal period expires 14 days from the date of order/payment. To exercise your right to opt out, you must inform us of your decision to opt out of this Agreement by a simple and clear statement, such as by mail to the company’s registered address or by email to office@virtono.com. Terms of Service No Reason Refunds No Refunds Actually Buy With Care It It This is a business with no service guarantee period

9:30AM Comment


我购买的香港 vps 体验不佳。我要求取消,商家取消并移除服务,不予退款。工单咨询不提供退款服务。提款权 每项服务都有14天的保证期,在此期间,如果行使提款权,所支付的金额将无缘无故全额退还。我们通知您,在VIRTONO执行合同后,您将失去撤销权,除VPS和网络托管服务外,您还可以在服务执行后14天内行使撤销权。提款期自订购/付款之日起 14 天后到期。要行使您选择退出的权利,您必须通过简单明了的声明(例如邮寄给公司)告知我们您选择退出本协议的决定。office@virtono.com。服务条款 无理由退款 不退款 实事求是 谨慎购买 这是一个没有服务保证期的业务



Right to Withdrawal


Each of the services are offered a 14-day guarantee period during which the amount paid can be reimbursed in full, if the withdrawal right is exercised, without any reason.  We inform you that you will lose the right to withdraw after the execution of the contract by VIRTONO, except for VPS and Web Hosting services for which you may exercise your right of withdrawal also after the services have been performed, within 14 days.

版权声明:本文采用知识共享 署名4.0国际许可协议 [BY-NC-SA] 进行授权, 转载请注明出处。
【关于安全】:任何 IDC商家都有倒闭和跑路的可能,备份永远是最佳选择,服务器也是机器,不勤备份是对自己极不负责的表现,请保持良好的备份习惯。
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