CoNoov LLC,这家注册在美国特拉华的公司,纽约也有数据中心,在国内应该很多人还不知道,主要仅提供不能超开的KVM云的VPS业务,洛杉矶10GB/S大宽带,国内访问下载非常稳定,而且还有日本、新加坡、美国洛杉矶、英国、西班牙、荷兰、挪威、丹麦这些可选数据中心。其中:洛杉矶CoNoov数据中心VPS宿主机采用AMD锐龙处理器,SSD硬盘,10GB/S的大网络带宽,大陆方向三网去程直连回程联通VIP线路优化,分配美国原生IP全面解锁奈飞,并为每个IP免费提供DDoS防护功能。
CoNoov LLC是国外主机测评第一次介绍,其实早在2月份商家就投稿了,并且也开通了测试机器,一个是因为事情比较多,再者也是要观察一下是否稳定,洛杉矶目测使用的ceranetworks,网络在国内确实不错,大概测试观察了一个月,因此到今天才发布文章。不过请自行斟酌购买,该商家为新商家,且WHMCS非正版。

特别版VPS型号为:4Core-1.5GB-20SSD,同样位于洛杉矶CoNoov数据中心,VPS宿主机采用AMD Ryzen 9 5900X处理器,性能非常强悍。
- CPU:4 Ryzen核
- 内存:1.5GB
- 硬盘:20G SSD
- 带宽:10Gbps
- 流量:3TB/月
- IPv4:1个
- 价格:$59.99/年
- 购买:点击直达
1. It is forbidden to discuss all inflammatory topics for political purposes (including various circumvention techniques and communication)!
2. It is forbidden to publish any articles and pictures that are pornographic or inappropriate for children!
3. It is forbidden to spread pictures and content that are terror, murder, and visually offensive!
4. It is forbidden to carry out personal attacks, protect privacy, and prohibit the use and storage of all content and software that are not suitable for personal privacy on the
5. All anti-government and anti-national constitutional speech is prohibited! (Hong Kong servers are even forbidden to discuss sensitive topics of Chinese politics)
6. It is prohibited to discuss any content that violates Chinese laws and the “National Internet Electronic Bulletin Service Management Regulations”.
7. It is forbidden to publish drugs, gambling-related products and content, and various plug-in programs.
8. It is forbidden to use the VPS server to carry out illegal DDOS attacks, and it is forbidden to occupy the network bandwidth with big data for a long time;
9. Regarding the refund issue: Once the VPS server traffic used exceeds 1GB, the fee can be refunded to the user account balance and can continue to repurchase the VPS that
needs to be configured. If the traffic does not exceed 1GB, the fee can be refunded to the user Paypal/ Alipay/JSpay or credit card number, etc.
If it is found that there are various ways and contents that violate the privacy policy of the user; shut down the server without refunding any fees, and reserve the right to
pursue the law (according to the company’s VPS monitoring and management system log records automatic shutdown operation)
所有VPS均为KVM虚拟化,Solusvm控制面板,洛杉矶CoNoov数据中心,VPS宿主机采用AMD Ryzen 9 5900X处理器,性能非常强悍。注意:非月付VPS均为一次性使用,如10天、15天VPS,付款为一次性,到期就结束。
型号 |
内存 |
硬盘(SSD) |
流量 |
IPv4 |
价格 |
购买 |
1Core-512MB-12SSD |
1核 |
0.5 G |
12GB |
2GB/天 |
1个 |
$0/月 |
购买连接 |
1Core-1GB-12SSD |
1核 |
1 GB |
12GB |
200GB/15天 |
1个 |
$4/15天 |
购买连接 |
2Core-1GB-20SSD |
2核 |
1 GB |
20GB |
500GB/月 |
1个 |
$6/月 $49/年 |
购买连接 |
4Core-2GB-25SSD |
4核 |
2 GB |
25GB |
1TB/月 |
1个 |
$10/月 $84/年 |
购买连接 |
4Core-4GB-30SSD |
4核 |
4 GB |
30GB |
2TB/月 |
1个 |
$16/月 $135/年 |
购买连接 |
8Core-4GB-35SSD |
8核 |
4 GB |
35GB |
3TB/月 |
1个 |
$25/月 $210/年 |
购买连接 |
16Core-8GB-40SSD |
16核 |
8 GB |
40GB |
500GB/10天 |
1个 |
$40/月 |
购买连接 |
1Core-1GB-20SSD |
1核 |
1 GB |
20GB |
不限/月 |
1个 |
$55/月 $420/年 |
购买连接 |
8Core-8GB-80SSD |
8核 |
8 GB |
80GB |
不限/月 |
1个 |
$205/月 $1550/年 |
购买连接 |
16Core-16GB-120SSD |
16核 |
16 GB |
120GB |
不限/月 |
1个 |
$265/月 $2230/年 |
购买连接 |
所有VPS均为KVM虚拟化,Solusvm控制面板,香港采用Intel Xeon E5处理器,性能非常强悍。注意:非月付VPS均为一次性使用,如按周购买折VPS,付款为一次性,到期就结束。
型号 |
内存 |
硬盘(SSD) |
带宽/流量 |
IPv4 |
价格 |
购买 |
HK-8H-4G-12GB SSD |
8核 |
4 GB |
12GB |
30Mbps/500GB(周) |
1个 |
$3/周 |
购买连接 |
HK-8H-4G-15G-2T |
8核 |
4 GB |
15GB |
30Mbps/2000GB(月) |
1个 |
$9/月 |
购买连接 |
香港Test IP:
洛杉矶Test IP:
版权声明:本文采用知识共享 署名4.0国际许可协议 [BY-NC-SA] 进行授权, 转载请注明出处。
文章名称:《CoNoov投稿:ceranetworks线路·AMD Ryzen 9 5900X处理器·自带DDOS防御 4核/1.5GB/洛杉矶10GBps端口/3TB流量$59.99/年》
【关于安全】:任何 IDC商家都有倒闭和跑路的可能,备份永远是最佳选择,服务器也是机器,不勤备份是对自己极不负责的表现,请保持良好的备份习惯。