
NameCheap 域入优惠活动/.COM 域名转入 $6.98

NameCheap 每月一度的域名转入优惠活动又开始了,基本上每个月中旬都有一个活动。这次看到域名转移的价格是比之前贵了 1 美元,但是在域名涨价的大前提下,NameCheap 仍能推出如此低价的域名促销优惠,确实是值得称赞。此次活动除了 .COM 转入优惠之外,还有一些别的域名也参加活动,最便宜的是 .TOP 域名,转入价格为 $3.98,此外 .IO 的价格也还可以,为 $28.98。.IO 域名本身就比较贵,但是因为品相较好,所以也深得大家喜爱。





NameCheap 域名转移活动说明

下面是 NameCheap 域名转移活动的说明,具体就不翻译了,主要就是价格还会有一个 $0.18 的 ICANN 费用,以及活动到 9 月 20 日截止(北京时间应该是 9 月 21 日中午 12 点)。

  • *Your domain is renewed for 1 year during the transfer (although there may be certain exceptions for some ccTLDs like .UK domain family). 1 year is added to the current expiration date of eligible domains. Any registration time left with your existing provider is carried over during the transfer, provided your domain meets the requirements stated below.
  • An additional $0.18 ICANN fee is charged for most domains (see full list of domains with ICANN fees).
  • The promo code will be valid from 12:00 AM ET on September 14 to 11:59 PM ET on September 20.
  • Purchase up to a maximum of 100 domains overall. These can be processed in as many transactions as required until that number is reached.
  • Transfer discounts cannot be used to move premium domains.
  • You’ll receive domain privacy for free with all compatible domains.
  • Every domain comes with a free two-month trial of Private Email.
  • If your domain expired with your previous registrar, and you’ve reactivated it (renewed after expiration) with them, please do not transfer it within 45 days of the previous expiration date. If you do this, your registrar will revoke the renewal you bought. Also, for some TLDs, there is a 60-day lock-in period when a domain is first registered or transferred, during which it cannot be moved between registrars.
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文章名称:《NameCheap 域入优惠活动/.COM 域名转入 $6.98》
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