
Vultr 的母公司 Constant 的 ARR 超过 1.25 亿美元

科技行业的成功之路有很多。有了充足的风险投资、开源软件的普及以及大流行引发的数字化转型紧迫性,几乎一切皆有可能。但是,Constant 创始人 David Aninowsky 和他的团队在 2014 年启动 Vultr 时采用了另一个久经考验的公式:制造一种产品,让客户尽可能容易使用,并以颠覆性的价格提供它。

今天,我们很高兴地宣布,Vultr 直截了当、以客户为中心的方法已使超过 150 万用户能够在全球部署超过 5000 万个云计算实例,使 Constant(Vultr 的母公司)的年度经常性收入 (ARR) 超过 1.25 亿美元。Vultr 客户通过 Vultr 的简单 UI和API成功部署 SaaS 和移动应用程序、网站、视频流应用程序、多人游戏等。

“我们 1.25 亿美元的 ARR 里程碑证明,我们自力更生、以产品为主导的方法可以在不遵循传统的风险投资资助路线的情况下蓬勃发展,”Vultr 的创建者 Constant 的首席执行官 JJ Kardwell 说。“Constant 是少数几家公司之一在没有筹集一美元股本的情况下达到了这个规模。此外,Constant 加入了 Slack、Atlassian 和 SolarWinds 的极少数 B2B 科技公司名单,这些公司在没有任何销售人员的情况下实现了 1 亿美元的 ARR。”

我们认识到,如果没有选择 Vultr 的用户、客户、团队成员和合作伙伴,就不可能取得成功。我们有能力开设新的云数据中心位置、推出新产品(如Vultr Kubernetes Engine)并发展我们的团队完全依赖于选择在 Vultr 上部署的客户,与热情的 Constant 团队成员合作为这些客户提供服务。感谢您为 Vultr 的成功做出贡献。

Vultr 的使命是让高性能云计算易于使用、价格合理且可供全球企业和开发人员在本地访问。随着 2022 年的到来,您可以期待在全球范围内推出更多的数据中心位置。您还可以期待 Vultr 将继续创新,以颠覆性的价格将易于使用的新云计算、云存储和网络产品推向市场。在 Twitter 上关注@Vultr 以获取最新更新。


There are many paths to success in the technology industry. With plentiful venture capital available, the proliferation of open source software, and a pandemic-fueled urgency for digital transformation, almost anything is possible. But there is another, time-tested formula that Constant founder David Aninowsky and his team employed in 2014 when they bootstrapped Vultr: make a product that is as easy as possible for customers to use, and offer it for a disruptive price.

Today, we are excited to announce that Vultr’s straightforward, customer-centric approach has enabled over 1.5 million users to deploy over 50 million cloud compute instances globally, allowing Constant (Vultr’s parent company) to surpass $125 million in Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR). Vultr customers successfully deploy SaaS and mobile applications, websites, video streaming applications, multiplayer games, and more, through Vultr’s simple UI and APIs.

“Our $125M ARR milestone proves that our bootstrapped, product-led approach can thrive without following the traditional VC-funded route,” said J.J. Kardwell, CEO of Constant, the creator of Vultr. “Constant is one of just a handful of companies that has reached this scale without a dollar of equity capital raised. Additionally, Constant joins Slack, Atlassian, and SolarWinds on the extremely short list of B2B tech companies that achieved $100M of ARR without any sales people.”


We recognize that success would not be possible without the users, customers, team members and partners who choose Vultr. Our ability to open new cloud datacenter locations, launch new offerings (like Vultr Kubernetes Engine) and grow our team is totally dependent on customers choosing to deploy on Vultr, working with passionate Constant team members who collaborate to serve those customers. THANK YOU for contributing to Vultr’s success.

What Comes Next

Vultr is on a mission to make high-performance cloud computing easy to use, affordable, and locally accessible for businesses and developers around the world. As 2022 unfolds, you can expect more data center location rollouts around the world. You can also expect that Vultr will continue to innovate, bringing new cloud compute, cloud storage and networking offerings to market that are easy to use, at a disruptive price. Follow @Vultr on Twitter for the latest updates.


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文章名称:《Vultr 的母公司 Constant 的 ARR 超过 1.25 亿美元》
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